

Auszüge aus der alten TSL-Constitution, die sich eingebürgert haben und bei kali-Matches stillschweigend vorausgesetzt werden. Abweichungen können vorher ausgehandelt werden.


A. [...] If agreement cannot be reached on one or more parameters (i.e. Average Tech vs. Advanced Tech) then each disputed parameter should be put to a quick vote and settled by majority.
B. Parameters that should be specified at the start of a game include the following:
1. Technology: Pre-Warp, Average or Advanced
2. Age: Organic Rich, Average or Mineral Rich
3. Size: Small, Medium , Large or Huge
4. Repulsive: Must ALL players pick the Repulsive option or not?
5. Trading: If players are not all repulsive, is technology trading allowed or not?
6. Difficulty Level: Assumed to be Impossible unless otherwise specified
7. Battles: Assumed to be Tactical unless Strategic is specifically agreed to up front
8. Antarans: Must be OFF because, due to a software bug, they reliably crash the game.

[AFAIK gibt es den Antarans-Bug nur in der Windows-Version und Punkt 8 gilt daher nicht in dieser strengen Form. Antarans sind in 1v1 äußerst unüblich, es werden jedoch gelegentlich in 4ways mit ihnen gespielt. Außerdem werden unter Patch 1.40 auch noch zusätzliche Optionen ausgehandelt. (Wurmlöcher, Schwarze Löcher, Splitterkolonien, Anzahl der Planeten in HW sowie die Eigenschaft eines Planeten kann bestimmt werden.)]


A. RULES APPLICATION. [...] PLAYERS MAY FREELY MODIFY OR DISPENSE WITH ANY OR ALL OF THESE RULES, BUT ONLY BY THE EXPRESS AGREEMENT OF ALL PLAYERS PRIOR TO THE START OF PLAY. Unless such agreement has been specifically reached, the following rules shall be assumed to apply.

1. WAITING. [...] Either player may use the WAIT command on his ships during combat, but if a waiting contest develops, with each player trying to outwait the other, it is ALWAYS required that the Attacker move, fire and hit done with his ships BEFORE the defender is required to. [...]

[Anmerkung: Bei kali wird diese Regel so interpretiert, daß dem Angreifer in jeder Kampfrunde nur 1 Wait pro Schiff zusteht.]

2. GAME CRASHES. If a game crashes, and is restored from the Autosave, but at a turn that is one or more turns before the point of the crash, all players are required to duplicate their original actions during these replayed turns with as much good faith as possible. If a game crashes in the middle of a battle between two combatants, then when the battle resumes the two players are required to duplicate their ship actions up to the point of the crash with as much good faith as possible. If ships had already been destroyed in the original battle, players are encouraged to speed the re- enactment by deliberately self-destructing those ships. [...]

3. DISAPPEARANCES. [...] In the event of an unexplained or unannounced disappearance, the surviving players MUST wait for the departed player for at least 15 minutes. If the departed player has not appeared within 15 minutes, the survivors may elect to either reschedule the game or continue without the departed player (in which case his empire becomes an AI). [...]

4. SURRENDER. A player may NEVER surrender to another player. If a player wishes to leave the game, he simply selects the Exit Game option from the main game menu and leaves. [...]

5. AI'S. When a player exits the game and leaves an AI, the following rules apply. If a player was already at war with the exited player's empire, that player may proceed to attack the AI empire normally until it is either conquered, or peace is made. If a player was not at war with the exited player's empire at the time he exited, or has subsequently made peace with that AI and wishes to renew hostilities, then that player may go to war with the AI subject to the following requirement: THE PLAYER MAY NEVER INVADE ANY PLANET OF THE AI WITH GROUND TROOPS. RATHER, HE MUST BOMB THE PLANET'S POPULATION TO ZERO. SUCH A PLAYER IS PERMITTED TO RESETTLE AN ANNIHILATED AI PLANET WITH A COLONY SHIP OR COLONY BASE OF HIS OWN RACE. A player is deemed to be at war with a departed player only if he meets one of the following conditions: 1) he has declared war and the Race Screen shows the two races in a state of war, or 2) he has fought a combat action against that player in the 20 turns prior to his departure. [...]

6. ORION. No player may deliberately attack ORION unless this is specifically agreed to by all players at the start of the game. [...]

7. NAMING SYSTEMS. Players may change the name of any system but a) may not use names like ".", ".", or any other name designed to be impossible for the enemy to detect (it is highly recommended that names be at least 3 letters long), and b) Players shall always keep colony names beginning in Upper Case and Outpost names beginning in Lower Case. [...]

8. NAMING SHIPS. Ships that have the same design should always bear the same name, and ships with different designs should bear different names. [...]

9. GAME CHEATS. The various game cheat codes that are built into MOO are considered illegal unless all players have agreed up front to use them.

10. EDITORS. The use of an editor to modify a player's position is strictly prohibited. Discovery that a player has used an editor is grounds for expulsion from the League.

11. CREDIT CHEAT. All players must put housing at the end of all of their production queues and leave it there for the duration of the game. [...]

12. SAVE HONOR. All players agree never to hotseat their opponents' positions between game sessions. [...]


A. DEFAULT TERMS. When two players agree to a Non-Aggression pact (NA), the following restrictions shall apply during the term of the pact unless the two parties have specifically agreed to different terms at the start. Neither player may attack the other player's ships, outposts, or colonies. Neither player may place spies on the other player's empire. Systems in space between the two player's empires may be colonized or outposted on a first-come, first served basis. If a player places an outpost in a particular system, this does not prevent the other player from outposting that same system, or colonizing a different planet in that same system. Once a player has placed a colony in a particular system, the other player shall not place any colonies in that same system (except at planets that he has ALREADY outposted), but may place new outposts on any UNINHABITABLE Gas Giant or asteroid belt in that system. Both players must abide by these conditions and neither player shall breach the NA for any reason.

B. BREACH. Should a player breach an NA, the other party to the NA may report him to the League President, who shall post the breaching player's name on the Cheaters Page of the web site. [...]

C. NA EXPIRATION. It is strongly recommended, tho not required, that NA's be negotiated for a fixed number of turns rather than left open ended so that players will have some flexibility if game conditions change. However, if an NA has been left open ended, it is ALWAYS considered to end 10 turns after the parties to the NA become the only remaining players in the game, unless both parties specifically agree otherwise on the turn they become the last two players. If an NA has been negotiated for a fixed term (i.e. for 50 turns or until turn 175, for example), then the NA only ends when the agreed upon term expires, even if the parties become the only players left, unless BOTH players agree to an earlier expiration.


The Music of Master of Orion II

You can download the music of MoO2 on this site: The Music of Master of Orion 2

Main galactic theme 1 seems to be the most popular.