
Master of Orion mobile

I have recently found two interesting posts:

Master of Orion on Pocket PC!!!

As long as I've owned a Pocket PC and known that there were emulators for it, I've longed for the day when I would be able to play Master of Orion on my Pocket PC (I discussed this a little bit here if you're interested).

Well, I just learned that you CAN play Master of Orion on your Pocket PC! Let me say that again: you can play Master of Orion on your Pocket PC!!! The miraculous piece of software that makes this possible is called PocketDOS.

What Is PocketDOS?
PocketDOS is a revolutionary program that allows you to run old DOS programs on your Pocket PC. According to the website, PocketDOS emulates a PC with an 80186 processor, 1 mb of RAM, VGA video, and "the standard support chips." There are a number of add-ons for this program, including some that make it possible to run Windows 3.1, emulate a 486, etc. [...]

and Master of Orion on Windows Mobile!!

So a while back (== a good few years!) I loved playing a certain PC game called Master of Orion (Remember it??). Now I came across the CD's for it the other day, and i was wondering if there was any way that I could get it to play on my phone (Orange SPV M5000 - basically the imate JasJar) - the phone runs Winsows Mobile 5 and I was thinking there has to be some way to get those old DOS games to run on it. [...]


  1. Hi! I just wanted to say that I've hacked a quick and dirty program for viewing MOO2 graphic files. If anybody is interested in development of MOO2 graphics viewer (reader) go to http://www.karoltomala.com/blog/2006/12/24/master-of-orion-2-graphics-and-nightly-hacking-session/.
    I'm looking also for people with knowledge regarding MOO2 graphics file format. I can also share what I have learned about this format so far. The program is not complete really, so I won't release it into public before I make it somewhat usable for users. I will also publish the source under GPL so anyone could take it and make something cool with it (hint, hint: editor perhaps?) :)

    Let me know if you're interested.

    Greets Wolverine

  2. Welcome wolverine!

    Of course we are interested. Grig de Griz has a similar project. You find him in the forum...would be nice when you both could combine your results.

    He works currently on a russian translation (of MOO2) but he said that he will concentrate on the graphic files soon again.

    And there are already some artists who asked for such a tool. :)

    Just PM Grig in the forum!

