
Battle Tournament FAQs

How do I register?

Send a save and you are registered.

When does the tournament start?

The first evaluation rounds will start soon. These rounds will be knockouts.
Later on the qualifying rounds will be played in groups with around 8 designs. (early October)
Finals should start in the late October of 2006.

How many designs?

We decided to accept 4 different fleet designs, but on each of the four fleet designs the tech fields must be different.

Can I redesign?

Yes. Between the evaluation, qualifying rounds and the final you will be able to redesign your ships but you have to use the same techfields. You can also replace one of your designs before the evaluation round starts. (That means you can chose new techfields in this case.)

Is there any deadline?

In the next weeks we will start with our first evaluation rounds. I will present information about the most successful designs afterward. Obviously, I won't accept any copies of these designs after I have published them. Counter designs are ok. The beginning of the qualifying rounds (1st October) will be the deadline.

Who will control designed ships during fight?

The designers will have the option to control their own ships. I recommend using kali or DOSbox and the new 1.40b23 patch (dos version). Find details here:
But Win 2k, Linux and Mac OS users can also join. See the DOSbox guide for details.

If you would prefer not to play the fleet on your own, you can also submit short instructions on how best to use your fleet. Otherwise, you could simply propose to use autocombat.

I like to join but I have timetrouble. What should I do?

Use this tool:
It will be taken into account.

Is there any resource, where I can look at submitted designs and their scores?

Currently, there is not a site providing information on designs. I want to avoid later participants having too much knowledge about their competition. This would biased and an advantage to late arrivals or re-designs. Therefore, I am the only one who knows all of the designs and I will not participate. When the first evaluation round starts I will publish the scores on this blog.

How will the issue of "waiting" be resolved?

Each duel contains 2 battles. Each side has to engage one of these battles(thus becoming the attacker). The defender (positioned on the right side of the battlefield) has the "last wait", i.e. the old SL rule:

1. WAITING. [...] Either player may use the WAIT command on his ships during combat, but if a waiting contest develops, with each player trying to outwait the other, it is ALWAYS required that the Attacker move, fire and hit done with his ships BEFORE the defender is required to. [...]

What about draws?

Evaluation rounds (knockout): When there is a 1-1 draw in these 2 battles, the "surviving" command points decide the winner. When there is still a draw, the participant that submitted a design earlier wins.
Qualifying rounds (groups): Draws are just draws.

Can we add leaders to our ships?


I can't pick anything but Creative? So the extra race points cannot be used?

No further race points. Only several war racepicks would be interesting and the problem is that they would dominate the design decisions. We are more interested in designs. Therefore, no further race picks will be allowed (Creative only).

For questions about weapons:
This is the best weapons FAQs I am aware of:
GameFAQs disabled the direct link but you can still right-click the link and save target as....

1 comment:

  1. I disabled haloscan since they delete old comments. Some old comments:

    About the weapon FAQ. Cool stuff . But see chapter about missiles: "Missiles have a base speed of 10, modified by your best drive technology." Is that correct? i thought it was 8 + 2xdrive tech...
    Cabman | 02.22.06 - 8:39 am | #

    Gravatar That's exactly the same.
    The other guide treats nuclear drive as drive tech level 1, so you have:

    8 + 2 x 1 = 10

    Gontzol has the same value. And he is right that a missile is treated like a frigate (without battlepods + aug. eng).

    So we have:
    nuclear drive: 10 speed
    fusion drive: 12 speed
    ion drive: 14 speed
    antimatter drive: 16 speed

    and "fast" adds +4
    siron | 02.22.06 - 11:43 am | #

    Hmm...So how can you count it with "10+drive " formula?
    Cabman | 02.23.06 - 4:23 am | #

    Gravatar He doesn't use a formula but refers to the combat speed bonus table in his FAQ:

    Drive Combat speed bonus
    ----- ------------------
    Nuclear +0
    Fusion +2
    Ion +4
    Anti-matter +6
    Hyper +8
    Interphased +10

    When you want a formula, it is:

    missile speed = 10 + 2 x drive tech level

    but he defines nuclear drive as drive tech level 0. This seems even more accurate since nuclear missiles without nuclear drive have also a speed of 10. But since you have these missiles just on a pre-warp starbase it doesn't matter.
    siron | 02.23.06 - 5:38 am | #

    Ah! I counted it wrong then. Now I'll be more effective shooting missles :D..Thx Masta.
    Cabman | 02.23.06 - 7:43 am | #
