
DifficultChoiceMod b4

latest version can be found here:


1 comment:

  1. I disabled haloscan since they delete old comments. Some old comments:

    Apologies in advance for the length, but I hadn't played MoO2 in ages, and this site seems to be the most recently updated.

    May I ask a couple of questions?

    1: What modding programs are you using? When I last played, OCL was about the pinnacle of development. Have there been advances in the understanding of the game executable since? Are there newer ways of editing the .EXE and the .LBXs?

    2: Inspired by finding your site, I Googled around (and followed your links) to find other places where the game is still hallowed (as it should be). I found a couple of posts by Geoffrey Tobin, amongst others. How many of the First Ones are still around? I count myself amongst the second tranche - I was active (and insufferably arrogant) on Alt.Games.Moo2 in the days of GMPax (Sean), PLuber (Peter), Tony Sussine (sp? and he might be a First One , Todd, Josh. Are any of the gods and demigods still active? Hello?

    3. Given the _tiny_ remaining fanbase for MoO2 and our justifiable dissatisfaction with MoO3 (not that it was entirely bad), is there any hope at all for MoO4? Or, better yet, MoO2.5? Most of the people with whom I used to 'talk games' ten years ago are now professional coders anyway. I'm not, so I wonder: *aside from the AI*, how hard can it be to put together a new version of MoO2? Extensible, networkable, debuggable?

    4. How do you all set up your online games? I'm on GMT (well, GMT+1 until next weekend). Do you all play on one of the US times? I've tried V1.40 and it works without crashing on my XP (except it won't save scores - exits clean to desktop after the Game Won Movie). From your FAQs I'd expect to get my arse kicked, but what are friends for?

    This isn't a question, just an observation. My take on MoO2: it is the best computer game to date, because of the way it melds the macro with the micro. Everything, from your choice of government at the start to the order of weapons fire from individual ships around an alien homeworld, affects the outcome of the game. Nothing else does that. Civ just *gives* you tanks when you get the tech; SMAC didn't have the fine detail of weapon mods ('OK, I've got an advance in weapons, so I can now upgrade Gun 3 to Gun 4 on all my designs'). Space Empires was very good, but the tactical combat options were too SMACish. No Neutron Blasters, per se, no EMG mod. MoO2 has a unique way of fitting tech, build, race and strategy into a controllable whole. *That* has never been bettered. I'm glad I'm not the only fan (however sad that might be) left lurking around.

    Simon | 10.24.05 - 8:00 pm | #

    Gravatar Hi Simon,
    nice to meet one of these newsgroups veterans!

    1: What modding programs are you using? When I last played, OCL was about the pinnacle of development. Have there been advances in the understanding of the game executable since?

    I just hex edit a bit and you find all the info about these tables on Lord Brazen?s board ( http://www.spheriumnorth.com/ori...-forum/nfphpbb/ Game Modifications). It is true that most of these tables are editable using OCL. Since LordBrazen added some code the old OCL doesn?t work for his 1.4 patch but just recently he made an update (OCLplus http://lordbrazen.blogspot.com/2...ild-of- ocl.html ) which you can find in his download section ( http://lordbrazen.blogspot.com/2...1/ download.html )

    2: How many of the First Ones are still around?

    I know Geoffrey Tobin from Apolyton IIRC (sadly he has no time for MP). I remember the other names (I read the old newsgroups some months ago) but I never met them. I started with Moo2 online after I deinstalled Moo3. Back in 96 I had no internet access. But we have still a lot of MP-freaks who started playing online back in the nineties (TEN, kali or kahn). SkyBandit, Staffa, Nalla, Cybersaber, JB-Bigkat, Zirkahn, Gusset, RedDog, LordBrazen StepNRazor and many others. But I doubt that you have heard their names. IIRC I read some old newsgroups posts of Zirkahn and Gusset but the others discuss Moo2 just on the main map.

    3. is there any hope at all for MoO4? Or, better yet, MoO2.5?

    Latest rumours: http://www.ina-community.com/ for...threadid=496866

    I think Sword of the Stars looks very interesting. (Depends a bit on the real-time combat. I am sceptical that combat is really tactical then.) I will also check out Birth of the federation II: http://botfii.armadafleetcommand.com/

    I'm not, so I wonder: *aside from the AI*, how hard can it be to put together a new version of MoO2? Extensible, networkable, debuggable?

    I recommend LordBrazen?s board again. When you read the suggestions there you will see that many things are possible. His 1.4 patch will be my MoO2.5. When you or some of your newsgroup buddies have some ideas...of course you are always welcome.

    4. How do you all set up your online games? I'm on GMT (well, GMT+1 until next weekend). Do you all play on one of the US times?

    Monday-Thursday: Most Europeans start round about 19.00 GMT. Mainly 1v1 but also some 4ways. The Americans/Canadians arrive later 21.00 GMT-03.00 GMT. Often too late for us Europeans to start a 4way then.
    Friday-Sunday: Most players have enough time to play several 4ways then.
    Generally, we simply join the chatserver 138 (kali). When someone is interested to start a game he will write ?moo? then. But you need patience...sometimes at least.

    siron | 10.25.05 - 8:08 am | #

    Gravatar From your FAQs I'd expect to get my arse kicked, but what are friends for?

    When a veteran with almost 10 years MP-experience plays seriously this will surely happen. Well, also my arse was kicked when I started 2years ago. But most veterans play there for fun. Winning is not that important ? nice battles are fun. But those new players, who:
    a) read the guides
    b) are able to discuss their mistakes after a lost game.
    c) are analyzing the MP-saves afterwards (and we are always happy when we receive questions about our strategy.)
    will learn very fast. No worries.

    My take on MoO2: it is the best computer game to date, because of the way it melds the macro with the micro.

    True. I hear often the myth that moo2 is a micromanagement hell. But actually, when you know how to use the COLONIES overview you are able to finish many turns within seconds.

    MoO2 has a unique way of fitting tech, build, race and strategy into a controllable whole. *That* has never been bettered.

    True. Best game EVER!

    I hope to see you (and of course some of your buddies) soon at LBs forum or kali chatserver 138.

    siron | 10.25.05 - 8:08 am | #

    Great effort here. There are allot of changes made - some a very radical, I'll check back to see how they pan out.
    Dalinski | 02.10.06 - 3:45 am | #
